I am pretty excited and still doing some theme tweaking but the new look is coming shortly, stay tuned!
Category: Blogging
Some awards to pass on and some linky love
Teeni awarded me the Honest Scrap Award sometime ago. The idea is that I am supposed to tell you ten honest things about me and then tag seven victims/ friends to do the same on their own blog. So, my 10 honest things are: 1. I have a very tiny tattoo that my little brother […]
Mad-lib birth announcement game & vlog. Join the fun!
Back in the day Teeni was doing these fun story games where each participant would write a few sentences for a story, then when everyone had their chance to contribute she would post the whole story on her blog for us all to enjoy. I participated several times and it really was a hoot. Then back […]
New readers/ commentors for the month of January 2009
I am taking this idea from Hotfessional who calls out her new readers/ commenters. I’ve had quite a few new faces around here and wanted to give them a shout out so the rest of you can swing by and check them out. In January I called for readers to delurk and post at least […]
I wanna go to BlogHer bad!!!
This blog started out as small potatoes and has made great strides in the several years it has been active. I started out with writers ambition and bit of SEO and web marketing knowledge. I wasn’t sure what I had to offer the internetz but I knew I wanted to give blogging a try so […]
I can't sit idle, I am always working on something…
Just finished a ton of work on this blog! Some of you may remember my affiliation with PayPerPost back in the day. The idea was to try out sponsored blog post writing, you know to make money off the blog and my writing efforts. It went well for a while. I made a few hundred […]
Blogging the real me to make you (and me) feel better.
While I was going through my feed reader last week I had a revelation (thanks to a post I’ll mention later) that could possibly warrant the changing of my tag line on this very blog. Anyone who has been blogging for a long time knows that when our lives change often times so does the […]
A look at search terms
Lots of my blogger buddies take a look at humorous search terms on their blog and make a post about them every now and then. For some reason despite my blogging about poo and other odd things I NEVER get any funny search terms and it is a real bummer for me! I have lots […]
You can win goodies just for commenting on this blog!
That Is right, I just joined the CommentLuv contest bandwagon and am now a registered site for the CommentLuv contest! This means if you are reading my blog and you leave relevant (non-spammy) comments you have a chance to win! I’ll delete any spam comments and Andy Baily says you’ll be banned from the contest […]
Sharing the love!
Ah, I am home again and back to my regular blogging. We are still waiting on the 2nd offer from Evansville, they are supposed to present it today so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to finish up this post that brags about and awards a little love! Last week Teeni shared some award […]
Blog themes are like new outfits!
Yeah, I went there! But seriously that is how I feel.. Changing the look and feel of my blog is fun and keeps things exciting for me.. Sure it can be a headache getting everything just right but once it is done waves of satisfaction and excitement fill me and I am HAPPY! So, I […]
Brace yourselves, a new look is on the way.
Since I am pulling my hair out with techie stuff right now anyway I figured I should just take care of my blog at the same time. I get bored easily so I want to have all my sidebar crap in widgets that I can arrange easily and that wont be lost when I change […]
Unable to insert an image after your WordPress 2.5 upgrade?
I upgraded 3 blogs to wordpress 2.5 today. One of the blogs is having image insertion issues. I found a post called 2.5 Image/Media Uploader problems over at the wordpress support site that talks about the potential fixes for the issue. Things like browser cache, type of browser, old versions of adobe flash player, the […]
Been a busy gal!
Today I have updated 3 WordPress blogs with the newest (as of today) version of WordPress: 2.5. The administration panel is crazy differnt from previous versions so that is taking me some getting used to. All in all it seems like they added lots of cool features. Interestingly enough out of the 3 blogs I […]
The Archive Meme- steal this!
Teeni just did this meme (a meme is basically a blog post idea that gets passed among bloggers), she was tagged by Paige at Eat, Bitch, & Whine. I thought it sounded like a fun one to do, it allows blog owners to refer readers to some of their notable/ relevant posts that offer insight […]
A free domain name?
Register.com sent me and unsolicited email about free domain registeration that they are giving away till 3/25/08. I thought it looked like an interesting deal so I headed over to the site to read the find print. It is actually free for 1 year from the date of registration (you will need to buy your […]
wordpress.com stats on my self hosted (not hosed) blog?
I have a weird situation going on here. I have my own blog, Harvest of Daily Life and I help N with his blog, Green Preferred. Both blogs have the most recent wordpress version which is 2.3.3 as of today. The strange thing is that he has this nifty wordpress.com stats display in his dashboard […]
My interview by Janelle
I participated in the citizen of the month great interview experiment and totally forgot to post my own interview questions here. It was fun to interview someone and to be interviewed. Janelle over at junk food for the soul interviewed me and thankfully she asked about my interview and reminded me to post it! I […]
Blog marketing idea- blogger business cards
I just found a great deal for bloggers who wish to market their blogs outside the realm of the internet. You can get 100 FREE business cards, you just pay the shipping cost! These blogger business cards are a great way to market your blog in the “real world”! On ooprint.com you can design your […]