When N got off work yesterday evening I requested we go out to dinner. Getting out of the house and away from all they boxes and piles of crap would liven my mood, plus we need to celebrate the job he nailed and our forgotten 6 year anniversary. We ended up going to Red Lobster […]
Category: personal stories
Freecycle pets… Got one?
We are suckers for freecycle, who doesn’t LOVE free stuff? You can get or give just about anything through your local freecycle group but how many of you have received pets this way? We have, a few times actually! Giving your pet away online may seem kind of strange to some. Trust me it is […]
Dealing with anxiety..
Everyone experiences anxiety in some form over the course of their lives but what is the best way to deal with anxiety? Some people think that you can reduce the impacts by drinking or taking drugs, others believe you can deal with it by getting it out and of course the opposite is also believed […]
Today I got lucky!
Okay, seriously get your mind out of the gutter! I got lucky by getting OUT of jury duty! I was summonsed to appear July 10th 2008 (which is also my best friends b-day) but I called last night to check on the status of the trial and it was cancelled so no jury duty for […]
More work to do, moving on the mind.
Some of you are probably so sick of reading about all the moving crap on my mind huh? I totally have moving on the mind and I am so sorry if it is boring you, it is just what is going on with me right now. If you want me to shut up please say […]
Finding rental houses (not apartments) online…
I have never understood why finding rental homes online is so much more difficult than finding apartments. When we moved out to Flagstaff, AZ we rented several apartments over the course of 2 years. Apartment complexes just don’t make things easy for multiple pet owners and families with kids seldom want to live in an […]
Happy 4th of July, any fun plans?
We are visiting the The Arboretum in Flagstaff today for fun then we are taking a break in the afternoon while N works. In the evening we are watching his show live then we are going out to have a celebratory drink. All in all it is a low key day. Hopefully I’ll have some […]
Found some collectors items, wanna buy them?
While going through stuff we found several items that we are hoping to sell online, they are collector items and well I don’t want to sell them at the yard sale for only $1.00… Here is what we found: 1 Arizona State ASU 1987 Rose Bowl Champ Coca-Cola Bottle This 1987 ASU Sun Devils Rose Bowl […]
Updates and breaking news!
I am home today and am enjoying the weekend. The colorguard camp ended Saturday and it went very well. They kids learned so much and were a blast to work with. Now I am ready for some rest this weekend and to make some progress at home! N and I looked at a Winnebago Saturday […]
Whew, I am beat and it is only the first day!
I spent yesterday afternoon and evening working the first day of the NAU Auxiliary Camp. It was enjoyable and it went well but being out in the sun and wind for 6 hours takes it out of you. When I got home I just wanted to put on my PJ’s and curl up on the […]
RV shopping and contemplation…
Yesterday we looked at some RV’s within our price range. The first one we saw was in good shape but we didn’t get to test drive it because it needed new tires. The second one was a death trap with a rotten back end and it died on us during the test drive. The third […]
Killer allergies and some yard sale progress…
I am sitting outside writing this blog post as N continues to get his beauty rest. For the past few days we have been having some major allergy symptoms that are making daily activities difficult. This morning he was feeling much worse so he went looking for some dayquil in the medicine box. Unfortunately all […]
Making the yard sale happen!
Well, I am going forward with the yard sale.. I want to have it July 26th & 27th in my driveway here in Flagstaff. My mother has agreed to visit for the weekend and help us, yay! We will drink brandy all day and sit in the driveway trying to sell off our crap! Maybe […]
*sigh* we need to have a yard sale…
Looks like we are going to have to sell off some crap before we move! I spent most of yesterday getting moving quotes and trying to find online rental homes for my research. So far I have estimated our moving expenses to be about $6000-$8000 but it could in all actuality cost up to $10,000 […]
Our news has finally arrived!
This post is password protected because some of N’s coworkers are nosy and vindictive and he really wants to keep this info private until he has the chance to tell his boss himself. After we stressed out and had anxiety, my cycle got all jacked up with the stress, N’s was just walking around with […]
Everyone needs a little beauty once in a while!
Yep, that is right I have some beauty to share with you today. I went out into the garden to enjoy all my plants and their beautiful blooms. Here is a shot of my lavender blooms with the pine trees and the sky in the background. I spotted a pretty pink peony out in the […]
The infamous post about not posting and other jazz.
He, I have committed the cardinal sin of posting about why I haven’t been posting but don’t worry it is not one big long whiny post! I am feeling a bit better today! We are once again waiting to hear from Indiana, I wonder how many posts I have written about waiting for them to […]
A book meme and more waitin'…
Teeni posted a book meme I thought was fun, I have done it before but it still amuses me and it takes my mind off all the job stuff that has really begun to wear on me. Here are the rules for the book meme: Step One – pull out a book on the book […]
Just a waitin' for the time to pass, loo loo loo.
Last night we got an email from evansville confirming that it has indeed been crazy hectic out there as a result of the severe weather. They aren’t blowing us off, they are just dealing with more pressing issues right now. N was assured he would get a call today, problem is he was sent off […]
Same ole crap different day.
Just wanted to post a little update on the job search saga before we head out of town for another weekend gathering. N called Evansville and asked if there was some miscommunication over the posted salary. He explained that when he applied it was listed as 70-80 thousand and that the actual job offer was […]