All winter we’ve been helping Everly to sow the seeds to her intellectual future by introducing her to Montessori style learning both at home and once a week for preschool. Adalyn has also been giving some of the activities a try. I’d always been on the fence about sending my kids off for someone else to […]
Category: parenting
Dear children, Mommy and Daddy just want some sleep for Christmas.
We know it is very exciting to be a newly walking baby and that growing like 4 molars at once is a major bummer but you still must sleep. Especially with us all being sick with the plague! Sleep is the perfect way to hide from those teeth pains and the unfortunate symptoms of sickness, […]
Emergence in the life cycle of our foods, even with small children
We strive to buy grass fed, free range meats, some of you already know this and also strive for the same thing. We’ve been on the bandwaggon for about four years now, we started by committing to a beef, pork and chicken CSA – it was great. All humanely raised, naturally fed and local. Since our CSA […]
Over 300 lbs of produce, first steps and sleeping at night…
As thanksgiving approaches much reflection and taking stock of things has been happening. The time has flown by with all the gardening, child rearing and the explosion of my client base. There hasn’t been much time for solitary thinking or blogging, until now. We hauled in over 300lbs of garden fresh produce and about 8 […]
Two sisters are now sharing a room
October 24th 2012, I wrote this: One gloomy fall day, on a mom’s whim, two sister were laid down to nap. They giggled and romped instead, didnt even bonk their heads! Sleep they did not but mom got a break even if they were in the other room, still awake. After rejected naptime they did […]
My compost pile has been moved to my kitchen floor because of my baby…
It is true… Most times thoughout the day I’ve got a smattering of food under Adalyn’s chair. Thankfully I had the forethought to lay a kitchen towel under her seat… and I can just shake it off out in the yard for the chickens so it’s all good… … but this messy baby eating stage […]
To Adalyn on your first birthday
A year ago today our lives changed, we became a family of four in the wee hours of the morning and many witnessed this live here on the blog. We weren’t sure the day would ever come. From perceived improper positioning to going beyond the arbitrarily determined due date, we were all on pins and needles about how and when you’d […]
My sneaky attempt at encouraging nighttime independence…
Bob Marley tunes can be heard all throughout the house…
Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Bob Marley is the soundtrack for bedtime for Everly and has also begun with Adalyn, except they are sleeping on opposite ends of the house… Still.
Easy 5 Min Cloth Diaper Elastic Repair Trick
Learn how to avoid having to thread new elastic though a narrow hole when repairing your BumGenius or other cloth diapers that are no longer under warranty. It’s a snap, anyone can do it. No sewing machine required.
Firing the machine back up and CHIGGERS. Gah!
We just returned from a much needed family vacation (aka. break from the homestead hooligans & technology). We went to Slade, Kentucky for some outdoorsy, mountain fun. Nathan planned the whole thing complete with a cozy cabin rental, a sky ride and hike to a natural bridge, some swimming and lazy area exploration took place. […]
Garden Fun, Homestead Lessons & Baked Kale Chips
Now that spring is here we all get to start and end our days out in the fresh air again. We couldn’t be happier! This morning…
Digestion issues in baby could be leaky gut in the breastfeeding mother.
Back when Addie was about a month, at my own chiropractic visit I was describing her digestive issues to my chiropractor Dr. Lamb and he mentioned in passing that it might be the results of a little bit of leaky gut action in me. For whatever reason, likely because I didn’t fully understand what leaky […]
It's been a special day…
… and I don’t mean special in a good way! Yesterday I sprayed lotion in my hair instead of hair spray. I did it right as we were about to walk out the door too so I had the pleasure of enjoying greasy lotion hair all through the afternoon and evening. Special! Today has been […]
Press Release: The Big Push for Midwives Campaign responds to ACOG's Newest Position Statment
Displaying a stunning lack of regard for patient autonomy, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued a statement this week declaring that the group will “allow” laboring women to drink “modest amounts” of clear fluids during labor while continuing to prohibit access to solid food…
This mom is flying solo tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be the first time in almost 10 weeks that I’ll be without Everly! For the last 10 weeks I haven’t spent more than an hour or two away from her. Tomorrow I’ll be spending 8 whole hours away from her, I am not sure how I feel about this. She’ll be hanging out […]
He said I breastfeed like a hunchback…
Joking insults are flying around the house these days which means, we must me getting back to normal and catching up on sleep or something. The joking insults are a pretty good sign, means we still like each other enough to make an effort and that our humor is returning. Things like “douchebag-deluxe” and “breastfeeding […]
Small victories and insurance battles…
I have a few moments before we have to head out and just wanted to share a few things. First, Everly TOOK A BOTTLE from N this morning, we are super pleased! She ended up taking the Adiri BPA Free Natural Nurser Bottles I won via a blog/ twitter contest back in May. Unfortunately I […]
She only wants boob!
We have been trying to get Everly to take a bottle and a pacifier, you know so one day we’ll be able to have a date night or something. Plus, I would prefer to leave her with a sitter sometimes while I am working… Anything to keep her indoors and cool as opposed to the […]
Everly's first visit with a doctor, an integrated medicine physician.
Everly had her first doctors appointment this week, her 2 month checkup. We saw an integrated medicine physician who seems to be right up our alley in her care philosophy. She’s not pushy about vaccinations and didn’t freak out when we mentioned E was a homebirth baby. Integrated medicine is a mix between alternative medicine […]
Cat piss has fried my brain and I can't come up with a title for this crappy post.
I wrote this post on Wednesday and thought it was published… Somehow it never did actually publish till today. Blogging fail! Man, it’s been a stormy last few days. Yesterday evening while on the way to pick N up from work it freaking dumped on us big time! I threw a blanket over Everly’s head […]