home birth advocacy parenting personal stories

Press Release: The Big Push for Midwives Campaign responds to ACOG's Newest Position Statment

Displaying a stunning lack of regard for patient autonomy, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued a statement this week declaring that the group will “allow” laboring women to drink “modest amounts” of clear fluids during labor while continuing to prohibit access to solid food…

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Featured Life in Evansville pictures say 1000 words pregnancy Wordless Wednesday

Less-words Wednesday: Pregnancy Home Stretch Edition

There are only two more days until I leave you all and head off to wait on my little girls arrival. I am totally feeling ready for this and am very anxious for labor to begin. Saw the chiropractor yesterday and was all out of whack again. Even more so now that Tater’s bones are […]

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Blogging Tater's Arrival

36 week progress, practice labor? We'll see!

5:42:00 PM: Childbirth update: Non-hurty contraction, baby fish flops and swims around, repeat contraction, repeat baby movement, repeat contraction… 6/1/2009 4:15 – tightening, no pain, eating a sandwich and sitting at kitchen table 4:46 – tightening, discomfort, no cramping or stabbing pain, sitting at kitchen table- Left front hip hurts, right lower back/ hip hurts […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Today I am 35 weeks pregnant, another belly shot shared.

I am eating some nut & chocolate trail mix. Just slathered more goop on the belly and was thinking I should write a 35 week pregnancy post. Still pregnant as ever, feeling more and more uncomfortable as the days pass. Am still gaining weight despite all the talk in books about how weight gain slows […]

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A pet bunny Animals & Pets Life in Evansville living simply outdoor pets personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Critters in my back yard: Rabbits, snakes, spiders, frogs and more.

There are only about 3 weeks left until I’ll be at The Farm. I am doing great and Tater seems to be planning to stay inside for a bit longer (thank goodness). I’ve told her she has to stay put until June 4th at least, that way she’ll be full term! In the meantime we […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pictures say 1000 words posts with video pregnancy

The Renters and the Slumlords: The drama comes to a close (and other updates).

On Sunday Slumlady actually met us at the old rental home and did a walk though inspection with us. We managed to get her on the phone Friday morning following the 33rd week prenatal appointment. We weren’t too sure she would actually show up to the appointment… We still let the neighbors know of the […]

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funny posts personal stories pregnancy

One of the benifits of a pregnant budda belly… Sort of a Wordless Wednesday post.

* TMI ALERT* Run now if girly bodily discussions bug you. Today I’ve discovered a benefit to having a round pregnant belly that sits just below your boobs. It makes wearing strapless bras a breeze! I mean seriously, before pregnancy when I would wear a strapless bra I would be wrestling with the girls and […]

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Animals & Pets funny posts Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy recommendations

Don't worry, I am not dead- just blog slacking.

Don’t worry, I am not dead. Just crazy busy. I survived the tornado warning and am still doing well with Tater. We are still moving stuff in to our new place and I did actually do the video tour of the new house today. The video is kind of a speed demon tour though, lol. […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Just passing through to leave a quick update or On the move again!

I spent the day trying to get through my feed reader and visit as many of YOUR blogs as I can. I’ve still got lots of unread stuff and am making my way that direction soon I promise. – Yesterday we signed the paperwork and paid the down payment for our new home. We got […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Just more reason why I wont be birthing with my OBGYN in a hospital…

This morning the home phone rings, we are still asleep so we don’t answer it. I know my OBGYN’s office is supposed to call me today regarding the results of my routine blood glucose screen. I also know I told them to call my cell phone. I fall back asleep and then my cell phone […]

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Animals & Pets Moving out of state personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy recommendations

Summertown & Nashville Tennessee weekend recap, fun times!

We had a blast this weekend and even took some photos to share with you. Hopefully you enjoyed the belly shot photos I shared with you over the weekend. If you haven’t seen those yet you can by following this link. For those of you who didn’t already know we planned to spend my birthday […]

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Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

Hump day is kicking my butt!! All I want to do is sleep.

Man, I am drained today and have no idea why! It is a nice day, not to cold and not to warm. Spring is upon us and the garden is showing first signs of life. I’ve got plenty of things I should be doing like cleaning house, finishing up building the cat house, packing, crocheting […]

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