Animals & Pets Moving out of state personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy recommendations

Summertown & Nashville Tennessee weekend recap, fun times!

We had a blast this weekend and even took some photos to share with you. Hopefully you enjoyed the belly shot photos I shared with you over the weekend. If you haven’t seen those yet you can by following this link. For those of you who didn’t already know we planned to spend my birthday […]

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A pet bunny Animals & Pets Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy

Time flies… When it Rains, it pours… We have some more news too!

Is it strange that vacuuming was enjoyable for me this last week? I got a wild hair and was having a good ole time with our vintage Filter Queen vacuum. It might have been the warmer weather that got me all motivated or perhaps it’s the prospects of getting out of this place and in […]

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Animals & Pets personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

Purring Cats on Pregnant Bellies… 24 week pregnancy thoughts

Well yesterday was the beginning of my 24th week of pregnancy. Other than the belly button pain and the occasional rib cage or back pain all is well. The bump is growing but I was surprised to see that I didn’t gain much weight over the month. I’ve got a prenatal appointment with the OBGYN […]

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A pet bunny Animals & Pets Featured Life in Evansville pregnancy

We are holding our breath because we may have found OUR house…

Hopefully I am not jinxing us here but I just wanted to spread the upbeat news. With all the crappy happenings a bit of good is always nice, even if it is a bit premature… So, we did look at a home we liked today! I mentioned it yesterday briefly (I was trying not to […]

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Animals & Pets Life in Evansville personal stories pregnancy Uncategorized

23 weeks pregnant: baby kicks and stormy warm nights…

Yesterday was the beginning of my 23rd week of pregnancy. I must say this whole thing is just kind of flying right by, it is kind of scary how fast it’s going! I thought it would be cool to try recording some of Tater’s movements so I can show her once she is older. I […]

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Animals & Pets Life in Evansville living simply personal stories pictures say 1000 words pregnancy Wordless Wednesday

Wordless wednesday- things we do without…

Right now it seems there are more products I love and can’t find to buy these days than ever before. Since leaving Arizona we’ve found ourselves unable to find so many items we’ve become attached to. Please send groceries! We’ve been looking at the local pet stores like crazy for this litter. It is amazing […]

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Animals & Pets domestic disasters funny posts Life in Evansville personal stories

Critters are everywhere! What is that in our wall?

You know we always have crazy eventful times with animals around here right? I mean all of our pets come to us by some sort of fate. They dart in our front door or are starving in a hole by the sidewalk when we walk by. We are suckers, we just can’t walk by and […]

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Animals & Pets from scratch Life in Evansville our economy personal stories pictures say 1000 words society

Coming out of the winter coma on a warm and sunny weekend…

You’ve heard about S.A.D right? It is a type of “winter mood disorder”… I’ve seen commercials about S.A.D and the prescription pills that “I should ask my doctor about if I am experiencing similar symptoms”. I have always rolled my eyes about the idea of the winter season making people depressed enough to need a […]

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Animals & Pets Life in Evansville Moving out of state personal stories posts with video pregnancy

Brain Spew: Bullet Point Thursday. Bun in the oven edition.

I could be long winded and thorough about all these things but that is just a tad boring and seriously nobody cares that much right? So here is my brain spew for you in the form of an infamous bullet point post. Enjoy! My tap water gives me diarrhea. Yep I know that is TMI […]

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Animals & Pets funny posts personal stories pictures say 1000 words

Weekly Winners – December 29th – January 4th

This is the first attempt at Weekly Winners that I have made on this blog. All photos were captured using my new Kodak CD1013 that refuses to turn on when I need it. These Weekly Winners aren’t stunning examples of mad photography skills like the shots Lotus takes. Mine are just stunning glimpses of day […]

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